In-spite of societal
pressure, it is still possible for any leader to possess a good character in
this twenty first century. There are various examples of great leaders from the
past who have demonstrated good character when faced with difficult challenges.
Examples are Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Rosa Parks and Mother Theresa.
Rosa Parks refuses to sacrifice her principles on the altar of convenience by
simply insisting on being treated equally when she rode the city bus.
As a leader, no matter
the platform you find yourself, either in financial, educational, political,
medical, cooperate world, scientific research etc, your leadership position
will rest solemnly on your character.
Continually challenge
yourself by reviewing your current values and beliefs, making a personal
commitment to ethical leadership. Change is constant, yet it is the best thing
that can happen to any leader especially when we transform a weak thing to be
Reasons Why Character Is Important In Leadership-:
A)- It helps to build
and solidify our inner life so as to aid our personal honor and integrity.
B)- It aids us to
properly utilize our God given gift and purpose.
C)- It helps to
preserve our leadership role, driven vision and to leave a legacy for our
future generation.
D)- Character in
leadership serves as an inspiration, encouragement and it influences people to
fulfill their own purpose and to live a productive life.
E)- It helps to protect
the emotional needs of those who are under the authority of a genuine leader.
F)- It builds healthy
communities forum while settling critical problems with ethics and integrity.
Safe guard your
character, placing a high premium a “better than silver or gold”. Creates
values and ethics that will force you from moral raod blocks and enrich you to
carry out your singular purpose in life.
Felix Rogers >>
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