You have an incredible capacity and ability to overcome life’s greatest challenges.
Embrace this reality, and use it the next a crisis arises. Always celebrate the opportunity to perform at a higher level. When  you break through the wall of fear, the benefits are numerous. You will enjoy calmness and the ability to dream and design an exciting future without being shackled by worry and guilt. When you continually clean up your unfinished business, life becomes simple and uncluttered. This gives you a surge of new energy.

All of these breeds confidence. It’s critical that you understand one thing—confidence grows by doing, not by thinking. Only actions produces result. To produce a different result, you need to change something. It all starts with you. Until you change, nothing else will change. Procrastination is one way ticket to staying stuck. It’s an excuse not to perform.

To release yourself totally from the baggage of the past, you must learn to forgive. There are two sides to this:

a.     First, you need to forgive the people who obstructed you in the past---parents, friends, relatives or teachers. Anyone who undermined or abused your confidence verbally, physically or mentally. No matter how traumatic the experience, to be free you need to forgive them. This is necceassry if you want to have peace of mind and a happier future.

b.     Forgive yourself. Silence forever those negative thoughts of guilt. “The past is history, you will never be able to change it. Instead, accept the fact that whatever you did, your choices were based on your level of knowledge and awareness at that time.” The same goes for your parents. Don’t blame them for your upbringing—they did what they did based on their circumstances, belief system and parenting ability.

Too many people never let the real person within them come alive. Consequently, they live a dormant and unfulfilled existence. Instead of gloriously stretching and challenging themselves to be all they can be, they flounder in the everyday stuff of life. You can be different, make a decision now to remove yourself from the futility and explore the unique talents you have been given. They are within you, just waiting to be let loose.

Release your fears. Forgive those who need to be forgiven, and be confident in the knowledge that you can have what you want by taking one step at a time, making one decision at a time and accomplishing one result at a time.

Usually we don’t think about confidence as a habit. Often we look at other people who seem to be enjoying life to the fullest, and wish we had been born with the same genes. While its true that certain individuals seem to be more outgoing than others, confidence can be developed. And having confidence doesn’t mean that you need to be jumping up and down every single day with off the scale positive energy. Some of the most confidence and successful people we know have a quiet inner strength that is rarely expressed in gregarious fashion. Essentially, confidence evolves from combining a positive attitude with positive action. Bothof these involve the power of choice. Every day you can make a conscious choice to think more positively. And you can also choose to take positive action or not. There is a direct link between your attitude and the choices you ultimately make.

Culled from: The Power of Focus.

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