It is good to give thanks to the Lord, And to sing praises to your name, O Most High  “Psalm 92:1”

Thanksgiving is a force!!!

The Bible states clearly that one of the signs of the last days will be unthankfulness. We live in days when people receive without gratitude. A certain “entitlement” spirit has engulfed many people and they do not even realize it. They insist on their “rights” and forget that everything have is a gift from God.

Picture Jesus in front of Lazarus grave. A crowd of mourners and pessimist surrounded him as they waited to see what He would do. Picture Jesus surrounded by five thousand hungry men besides women were five loaves of bread and two fishes. Both scenerios are not the kind stuff you fantasize about. If Lazarus did not rise from the dead, the Lord’s ministry was definitely over. If the bread and fish did not become sufficient for the crowd, the mob would have mauled Him.

What do you do when you are between a rock and a hard place? What do you do when what is in your hand is too small for the situation in your life? How do you respond to crisis? Jesus taught us by example: Give thanks! The Bible teaches us to give thanks in all things. You must get the difference. It doesn’t say give thanks for all things but in all things (1 Thessalonians 5:18). It sounds quite stupid to be giving thanks right in the middle of a mess, but that is the unsearchable wisdom of God. He has chosen the foolish things to confound the wise (1 Corinthians 1:27)

Jesus gave thanks to His Father and a dead man walked out of his tomb (John 11:41). Jesus gave thanks and a few loaves of bread and fishes fed a multitude leaving leftover of twelve full baskets after everyone had eaten and was full (John 6:11). Thanksgiving is powerful!

Security agencies around the world have highly trained counter snipers who are not regular gun-weilding officers. They are trained to locate and take out snipers. Thanksgiving is the most effective counter-sniper in our kingdom. When the enemy sends in situations to take you out, he expects you to responds in a certain way. You turn the tables when you responds with thanks!

Make up your mind to give thanks when the situation dictates that you murmur and complain. Give thanks when the world expects you to throw a tantrum and blow a fuse. You belong to another kingdom. The only reason why our results will be different is because our responses are different. When others say. There’s a casting down, we say, There’s a lifting up. When others grumble, we are filled with gratitude.

Thanksgiving in crisis is a great act of faith, and God will never deny faith. Things will shift for you. Your lives experience a turnaround.

You will do well. Be thankful.

Rev. Biodun Fatoyinbo

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