Dreams are like fleeting vapors. Happening for only a brief moment and then vanishes away forever if not captured. Dreams that are captured become a precious treasure from God. It is our responsibility to ask God for dreams to obtain these elusive treasure and answers. Boldly seek God for revelatory significant that unfolds by receiving His dream messages. Continue to knock in order to acquire the interpretation and then simply believe.

God loves to use dreams to re-awaken us with prophetic insight and to spur us forward towards our destiny in Him. To reach our full potential and God given destiny, we must always set the Lord before us and stay focused on His plans. We must see ourselves as God sees us and interpret our dreams according to language to us, not according to what humanity says or ever what we believe about ourselves.

Dreams are also given to direct us into the proper paths in life. To discover these paths we must learn to read the sign posts and properly interpret the symbols on our dreams maps. Interpreting dreams is more than being able to recall the dreams event. It is being able to discern the wisdom that our dreams contain and apply it accordingly.
Our relationship with God grows under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. As we ask him for discernment, wisdom, and understanding, the Lord will direct and guide our paths, often using dreams to teach us. Without the understanding of our dreams, we can remain in un-fruitful darkness, but with understanding we can be saved, healed and delivered. (Proverb 2:3-12)

God is the only one who knows the future, God has a divine dream plan for every one of us to be successful and achieve our destiny in life. He reveals the path of success in our dreams, so our hope remains in Him. When our lives are diverted from God’s planned path, He sends a dream to correct our course and restores hope in a prosperous future. As we pray for understanding and seek His wisdom with a sincere hearth, we will find the answers to life’s quest.

Dreams bring us heavenly wisdom. Spiritual perception rains down upon open heart to receive God’s saving grace and knowledge (Isiah 45:8). The dreams God sends speak the truth to us in love so we can grow up into Him. Christ holds the whole body together and empowers each part to do it’s work.

In a society where success is expressed through material accomplishment, financial stability and busy schedule, God often talks to us the only way He can when we are asleep. This maybe the only time that we are quiet enough to hear Him. Dreams reveal our emotions, our pains, future events and even hidden things of darkness. The puzzle pieces that God uses in dreams are part of His divine language.

God gives us understanding as He searches the intension of our thoughts and hearts. If we seek God with our whole heart, we will find Him while we sleep, our soul continually searches to make intimate contact with God. Dreams give us God’s perspective to steer us away from harmful events and to give us life, vision, direction, provision and a clear picture of our destiny.

A true dreamer is one who sees the impossible and knows through God it will become possible. Dreamers are able to see the shadow of things to come as if by moonlight. By joining their faith to believe, the rays of the morning dawn bring understanding and clarity. (Job 33: 15-18)

Our dreams are God’s answer to the hidden questions we conceal within. Once the reality of our dreams are embraced, we have the courage and fortitude to give them life and expression. As we bring our cares to God, He delivers us. The word of the Lord is living and active. It penetrates the barriers of the soul, reaching our inner spirit to reveal the secrets in our hearts. We are laid bare and become transparent, nothing is hidden in it’s light.


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