Joshua Chapter 1 verse 8 is the key to a successful life.

 “Joshua 1: 8” “….This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; by thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shall make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success”

This book of the law shall depart from thy mouth, not from thy heart. This means you must continually talk the Word. That is what it means to meditate on the Word; it connotes muttering or speaking the Word to yourself. Whether you are talking the word quietly under your breathe or you are roaring it aloud, whichever the case, meditating on the word is God’s recipe for success. You may have the Word in your heart, but if you don’t talk it, things won’t change.
In the first chapter of Genesis, the Bible reveals that the world remained a chaotic mass until God spoke (Genesis 1:2-4). 

Talking the Word is utmost importance to the believer (Romans 10:10), a man is not saved by his confession. The reason is that the righteousness which is of faith doesn’t keep quiet; it speaks (Romans 10:6). God reveals Himself to you through the Word that you take into your heart.

However that revelation alone wouldn’t change the circumstances of your life. But by the time the Word gets to your mouth and you speak it forth, it becomes ‘Rhema’ (Greek)—the active or creative Word is powerful and will always produce results. To live the life of success God has called you into, you must be a Word-talker. There aren’t enough limitations in the world to stop you when you have the Word of God in your mouth. 

God’s Word in your mouth is the hope for your future. If you get a hold of this truth, it will catapult you to the mountain top, where you will be gazing together with Jesus at a world full of possibilities.

Author:  Rev. Chris Oyakilome
Senior Pastor; Christ Embassy Church Ministry

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