Every one of us has got natural tendencies and inclinations towards pleasant, positive and rewarding outcomes in life. Many want to be comfortable, healthy, rich, successful, powerful and influential in life. We want to take charge of our individual worlds. We wish to determine the turnout of events, have our say and have our ways. We naturally desire things to happen exactly how we want it.

For example a young man wooing a lady would want a yes from her and not otherwise. Every young man would wish they could walk up to any girl of their choice, woo her and have her without rejection, rebuff or better still insult.

Every single lady also wish they can actually choose and marry the man they really want, especially if they find themselves in a situation where they are seriously been chased by their dream man's friend. Consequently, many women today I presume are probably married to the best man available when they were ready for marriage and not the type they truly dreamt of. Many married women today may silently wish their men were a little taller with a sexier physic, well groomed -no pot belly, power dresser, neater, more passionate, caring, romantic, hardworking, intelligent, richer, sensitive, courageous, powerful and intellectual.

In life we do want things to happen exactly as we think and desire; we all have expectations. We hope to be done with school at a certain age, get a good job immediately after school, earn a certain amount as salary, buy the car we want, live in the environment and house we want, have the kids we want when we want them and in the gender we want them, send them to schools we want, want them to all be very good academically, hope nobody falls ill, hope not to lose money, hope not to lose our jobs, hope not to lose our friends and relationships, hope our spouses are faithful and committed, hope our assets and material possessions and investments are safe and secure and hope nobody dies.

If you have the control, if you have the charge of your life, nothing bad will happen to you, unfortunately, you don't.

Things can't happen exactly the way we want because our lives are beyond and outside our control. We're not empowered to choose or determine what happens to us. If we were, life will be perfect for all but hey! Let's face it, life is not perfect.

Life as interesting as it is, is not perfect; good things and bad things do happen to us all. We daily face challenges even with the best of our achievements and accomplishment. The best of countries, companies, marriages, relationships and people still have issues and challenges. Meaning we cannot be absolutely free from issues and challenges by changing our country, company, location, relationships and even your spouse because with the new one comes a new set of peculiar challenges and issues.

Why is life not perfect? Simple; human beings are not perfect. Mankind is not perfect, no one is perfect, and the best of men are still but men. Even you have got your flaws, your issues, your weaknesses and inadequacies. You make mistakes every now and again, you mess up, you have destructive habits and tendencies, and you're not all that too. Now listen to this, the cumulative weaknesses of every individual including you is what has brought about the imperfection in life.

Hence, you are also a contributor to the inability to have what we all want out of life because your imperfection makes perfect expectations in life impossible.

The only person that can be exonerated from being a contributor to the challenges, issues and imperfections in this life is that one that is absolutely perfect; no flaws, no issues, no mistakes, no weaknesses and this morning I'm sure you're not the one.

You may assume or begin to think this morning that your flaws, challenges and issues are too minute or insignificant to generate the kind of problems we're facing in the world all over today – guess what, everybody is thinking the same, hence the so called little issues we carry individually have cumulatively birth the enormity of the challenge we're facing in our country today.
I've heard it often said that you may not be responsible for what happens to you in life, this in my opinion is partially true because you may not be responsible for yours directly but we are collectively responsible for what is happening to us all in this country, may not be yours but someone else's life – this may even be by your inactivity, your being passive, lack of will to challenge mediocrity, remaining in your comfort zone or lack of courage to manifest your absolute potentials, abilities and worth to the benefit of all mankind. Hmmn.

So this morning, stop pointing fingers and looking for whom to blame for your issues and challenges because we are all responsible for all issues and challenges! You also played a part in where we find ourselves today and how we feel about our lives and potentials.

Stop the blame game, stop pointing fingers, stop accusing others, stop blaming your boss, stop blaming the management, stop blaming your colleagues, stop blaming everybody, anybody or any event in your past for your so called life issues.

Stop blaming that uncle, that aunty, the fact that your parents died early or were poor or you grew up in the village, or that you didn't school abroad or the state of the nation.
Let me tell you, there are millions that went through the same or even worse conditions than yours and are very successful in life today!

I am not saying we have been fairly treated, or we have not been cheated, abused or messed up; far from it, what I'm asking is when it happened how did we react? What did we do about it? What choices did we make? Were the choices value adding or destructive? Did our reaction launch us further in life or stagnated our lives?

In fact what are you doing about your issues right now? Because you see many people are going through your same kind of issues, but handling it better and making the kind of progress you are not making.

Is your reaction and tactics improving your situation or degenerating your condition? Are you overwhelmed by the scheme of vengeance and vendetta such that you have suspended your personal progress? Have you lost yourself and your vision in the desperation to hit back or win the so called game?
Learn to separate individuals from issues; deal with the issues not the people, when you begin to deal with the people you confuse your life coordinates then you begin to go around in circles making long term and permanent decisions around and because of people that are in your lives for just a season.

Please return the focus to yourself and your vision. When and where did you miss it? Go back there in your mind and re-project into your vision and future. Forgive and let it go. Be smart and shun detractors. Invest in yourself emotionally, psychologically, intellectually, and financially.

Truth is your world should be your priority as only you will remain in your world forever - everybody else will exit when the time comes even your best friends and loved ones. Hence the wisdom is to focus on your life; build it, protect it and secure it.

Stop waiting for your government, stop depending on promises, stop waiting for those so called better days, stop waiting for that perfect administration, the caring boss, the considerate colleague, that deceptive philosophy of little work, plenty returns! If any significant progress will be made in your career, it's all in your hands.

Work out your progression with knowledge, intelligence and hard-work. Nothing good comes easy, please stop the blame game and take responsibility.

Written By : Muyiwa Afolabi
CEO; Frontiers Consulting Services

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