Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. “Hebrew 13:7”

Faith is the currency of the spirit. It is the medium of exchange in the kingdom. People who work wonders in the kingdom do it by faith. If you take a walk down the “Faith Hall of Fame” in the book of Hebrews, chapter 11, you will find the writer constantly attributing everything that was achieved to the faith of the person involved. Whether Moses or Samson, David or Abraham, these Patriarchs of faith had to walk by faith. Wouldn’t it be an irony to be a person of faith who walks by fear?
You see fear is not always the heart-pounding moments of agony and trepidation like you would assume, it is not only in the expression of terror, dread or horror. Fear also comes in subtle forms and with fancy names like ‘security’ and ‘wory’. Pangs of anxiety are sometime symptoms of a deep-seated fear that has not been dealt with.
If you are going to enjoy the benefits of the covenant, you can not afford to allow fear and doubt. Just like faith douses the fiery darts of the enemy so that their fire is quenched and the darts become harmless, fear douses the potency of the word so that your heart is not ignited with faith and your life is not shot to a whole new level of exploits.
There is a reason God sent people ahead of us. He has not left Himself without a witness. In every generation, God raises people who model the pattern for us to see how these principles operate. From Abraham, the father of faith, to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, it is important that you look at their results and follow their faith. God has sent us Pastors and Teachers who have walked the work so that we can look at their results and follow their faith to achieve like results. (Hebrew 13:7) The man of God that the lord has sent in to your life to speak God’s word to you did not get the results he got by fluke or by walking in fear. The Bible says you should imitate his faith. Douse the doubts and fire up your faith! Glory to Jesus.
For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. “Romans 15:4”

When we look at the life of faith of these Patriarchs, we hope. This hope, which we have through the word of God, is not the kind of hope that comes from sense knowledge. Kingdom hope presents a reality in the spirit. Faith takes that spiritual reality and manifest it in the physical.
Natural hope can tell you it is over, but when you look at lives of the Patriarchs of faith throughout the scriptures, you have kingdom hope that tells you it is not over. Faith will take it further by latching on to the word of God over that situation and taking steps that will lead to manifestation. Glory!!
The Apostle Paul, in Romans 4:18, points a powerful scenario that explains the conflicting “hopes”
Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, so shall thy seed be.           “Romans 4:18”

Abraham was way past his prime. He had come to the stage in his relationship with his wife that all they looked forward to was companionship. The thought of sexual relationship had been extinguished because, on the one hand, he was impotent and on the other hand, his wife was well past the age for bearing children, if they lived by fear, their explanations would be rational to a natural man. Indeed, it would not be considered fear for a hundred year old man to say he would never have children any more. But then, God had made him a promise. He was going to be the father of nations. What do you do when your present circumstance is diametrically opposed to the word God has given you? First you must awaken your kingdom hope. In the kingdom you belong to, it is not over until God’s word has come to pass. First have hope that what you have been promised is still possible. Hope will give you the strength and the leverage on which to build faith.
Abraham had to turn his back on natural hope so that he could believe in the kingdom hope. The bible says:
And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy spirit to fill our hearts with his love.           “Romans 5:5 NLT”

Natural hope can disappoint, and it often does. The Bible is emphatic about THIS HOPE. It does not disappoint. How does this hope work? It works from our knowing that God loves us. My brother and sister, god loves you! God is not mad at you, He is crazy about you! You have to settle it in your heart that God loves you fully and completely. You will not have hope for a better life if you do not know that God loves you. Indeed, acknowledging the love of God for you is a great step of faith. When you know that God loves you, you are convinced that there is no way he will give you stone. No way!
This awareness of God’s love pushes you to search the scriptures for the covenant provision for the thing you need. When you find the scripture,y our faith is built in that arena. When your faith is built, you receive it as done even though the natural eyes have not seen it. So you begin to take steps in line with what you believe. As soon as you have received it, you know beyond a shadow of doubt that manifestation is just a matter of time.
Follow the path of faith. Go the way of faith. Build your faith and release it. Your life will be a wonder to many.
You will do well.

Rev. Biodun Fatoyinbo
Snr Pastor of: Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (COZA)

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