Many of us are not happy in life not because we don't deserve to be or we don't want to be, it's simply because we do not know how to be happy. This morning, let's talk about the values for happiness.
The simple fact that the world's system is such that promotes ambition, achievements, accomplishments, and commensurate reward naturally has, embedded the realities of rivalry, competition, strife, envy and contest.
If no matter what you do or how hard you work, everyone on earth is rewarded equally strife, envy competition and jealousy will be extremely low if not totally eradicated.
If every human being is entitled to the same amount of monthly income, the same kind of house, the same kind of cars, the same kind of clothes, the same quality of food, the same quality of health care, the same quality of education; if everybody gets the same thing no matter what you do, stress level amongst us will decline by probably 90%.
Many of us are not unhappy and stressed up today because we are in lack, many of us are stressed up today because we are in competition. We believe we belong to a particular social cadre and should associate with a certain category and profile of persons, hence our daily hard work and diligence to keep up with our class of people.
Your daily labour and diligence so as to earn a salary of about a million or more monthly is not because you can't feed well, cloth well or afford a decent accommodation and pay your basic bills if you're currently earning lower than that. It's about a particular quality and standard of living which you believe you should apprehend primarily because that's where your mates are at and that's where you think you should be as well.
Social relevance, rivalry and the desperation to belong is the major cause of unhappiness for most of us today, not lack.
Dear friends, if you do not take deliberate steps to set yourself free from this thinking and lifestyle, you will hardly be a happy person. You will always be under pressure as daily your mates and even people beneath you will achieve things difficult for you to achieve immediately. And this will constantly put you under pressure and you'll hardly be a happy person.
How then do you develop and determine your happiness? It's about creating your personal values and setting your own priorities in life and sticking by your personal decisions and criteria for a good life.
The foundation for happiness is for you to live your life consistent with your innermost values and principles while thinking and acting in harmony with your highest aspirations. Simply put, stop pretending. Stop living a fake life, stop living to impress people with achievements, accomplishments, material possessions and money.  
Whatever you want to have, whatever you want to do, have them and do them because it is what you want, not because you want to impress or oppress anybody. Own and control your own life. Have your values and principles and along these, pursue your personal goals and ambition – for yourself not for anybody else.
Happy men and women are those who have taken the time to decide clearly what it is they believe in and in what order and they have organised these beliefs such that all they do reflect these beliefs.
Happy men and women have personal values and principles, rated in order of importance and no matter the situation, they never compromise their faith in their values. They stick by these values as it is the core of their happiness.
Dear friend, what are your personal values? What are the things you value? What are those things that are really important to you? I'm not talking about those things you count as important because it makes you relevant and acceptable in the community you want to belong to, I'm talking about what you count as valuable and important to you irrespective of what other people think.
Dear friend, I believe the beginning of your life of happiness is to develop and come up with a personal value statement. Write it out. Write down those things you consider important and valuable to you. Rank them in order of importance and choose to stick by them no matter the pressure or challenge to compromise.
Personally, my value statement has listed, the most important things to me and they are ranked in order of importance. First is God, then family, then health, then career, then money then entertainment.
All these are very important to me in life and they are ranked in order of importance. No matter the situation, I would always favour the higher order value over the lower order value. You can tell what you really believe by observing your feelings and reaction when you have to make a choice or decision.
When you have a value statement and it is authentic because it truly reflects your innermost convictions about what is important and the ratings, every time you violate your values, it will create a high level of stress, inner turmoil and unhappiness.
When you stand by your values no matter the pressure and conditions, it will bring you happiness, harmony, inner peace, wellbeing and a high level of self-confidence.
My dear friend, what are your values? Do you have a value statement, do you have your principles? Do you personally stand for anything?
Would you place career over family? What is the implication on your happiness and peace? Would you place money above God, what is the implication on your conscience and courage?
If you're fired from your job because you prioritised the peace, wellbeing, tranquillity of your home and marriage you may not feel so bad. But if you're fired from your job because you were caught helping yourself with monies belonging to your employer, you will feel very bad and ashamed. Well this will also depend on if money is more important to you than your career and reputation.
Dear friends, happiness is something you create through integrity with your personal beliefs and principles. No matter how popular your decisions and choices, no matter the applause and recognition, if it contravenes your personal principle, you will never be happy.
If you win many awards at your place of employment because you're always at work, you frequently sleep in the office and your spouse and kids hardly see you, if you're truly a lover of family, the award will mean nothing to you no matter how elaborate the ceremony is and the number of congratulations you receive.
If you spend most of your time in entertainment, lounging with friends, partying, clubbing, visiting and generally having fun to the end that your work quality, delivery time and productivity is compromised, you can hardly be happy at work. You heart will always skip a beat every time you're called up by the boss. You can hardly be on top of your job.

Ladies and gentlemen, happiness is developing a personal value system and sticking with it come what may. Stop competing with others, stop trying to keep up with the joneses, determine your goals, pace and timing and let your values and principles guide you through. That's how to be happy. Dear friends, develop your own values for happiness.

Written By : Muyiwa Afolabi
CEO; Frontiers Consulting Services
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