Here are basic checklist to make sure you are using a successful framework to set goals.

1.    Your most important goals must be yours: This sound obvious. However, a common mistake made by thousands of people across the country is to allow their main goal to be design by someone else. This could be the company you work for, your industry, your boss, your bank or mortgage company, or even friends and neighbors. When you allow other people or society determine your definition of success, you will end up sabotaging your future. The media has one of the strongest influences on you when it comes to making decisions. And most people buy into it daily. There are constant radio and TV commercials, plus billboards, newspapers and magazines contributing to this onslaught. Our thinking is consciously and subliminally being influenced non-stop. The media define success as the clothes we wear, the cars we drive, the homes we live in and the vacations we take. Depending on how you measure up in these categories, you are either branded a success or a failure. –

Create your own definition of success and stop worrying about what the rest of the world thinks. For years Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, currently the largest and most successful retail store chain in history, enjoyed driving and old Ford pickup truck even though he was one of the wealthiest men in the country. When asked why he didn’t drive a vehicle better suited to his position, he replied, “Well, I just like my old truck.” So forget about image and set goals that are right for you.

2.    Your goals must be meaningful.:  
When you prepare to write your future goals, ask yourself, “What’s really important to me? What’s the purpose of doing this? What am I prepared to give up to make this happen. This thinking process will increase your clarity. It’s critically important that you do this. Your reason for charting a new course of action is what give you the drive and energy to get up in the morning, even on the days you don’t feel like it. Ask yourself, “What are the rewards and benefits for this new disciplined? Focus on the exciting new life style you can enjoy by committing yourself now to consistent action. If you just keep doing the same things that you are have always done, what will your lifestyle be like five years from now, ten years from now, twenty years from now? What words will you describe your future financial picture if you don’t make any changes. There are two major pains in life. One is the pain of discipline, the other is the pain of regret. Discipline weighs ounces, but regret weighs tons when you allow your life to drift along unfulfilled. Remember it’s your choice. You are responsible for every choice you make, so choose wisely. Commit yourself now to creating goals that will guarantee your future freedom and success.

3.    Your goals must be specific and measurable.: 
This is where most people loose it. It’s one of the main reasons individuals never achieve what they are capable of. They never accurately define what they want. Vague generalizations and wishy-washy statements aren’t good enough. When you set a goal, challenge yourself with the words, “ Be more specific.” Keep repeating this until your goal is crystal – clear and measurable. By doing this, you will dramatically increase your chances of achieving  the desired result. It’s very important that you have a system for measuring your progress.


4.    Your goals must be flexible: 

Reason why this is important is (a) you don’t want to design a system that is so rigid and cast in stone that you feel suffocated by it. (b) a flexible plan allows you the freedom to change course if a genuine opportunity comes along that is so good you would be crazy not to pursue it. This doesn’t mean you start chasing after every idea that comes by your door. Entrepreneurs are famous for getting distracted and losing their focus. Remember, you don’t need to be involved with every new idea--- just focusing on one or two can make you happy and wealthy.

5.    Your goals must be challenging and exciting.
when you set goals that are exciting and challenging, you acquire an edge that prevents you from settling into a life of boredom. To do this you must force yourself to jump out of your comfort zone. This might be a little scary because you never know for sure if you will always land on your feet.  You will always learn more about life and your capacity to succeed when you are uncomfortable. Often when your back is up against the wall of fear, the greatest breakthroughs occur.

6.    Your goals must be in alignment with your values. 
Synergy and flow are two words that describe any process moving effortlessly forward to completion. When your goals are in synch with your core values, the mechanism for this harmony is set in motion. What are your core values? Anything you feel strongly that resonates at a deeper level of your being. These are fundamental beliefs that are well developed and have molded your character for years. When you harness your core values to positive, exciting, purposeful goals, decision making becomes easy. There is no internal conflict holding you back, this creates an energy surge that will propel you to much higher levels of success.

7.    Your goals must be well balanced: 
When you are setting goals make sure you include areas that give you time to relax and enjoy the finer things of life. Working yourself to a standstill every week is a surefire way to create burnout and ill health. Life’s is too short to miss the good stuff.

8.    Your goals must be realistic: 
A measure of reality will ensure that you get better results. So by all means think big and create an exciting picture of the future. Make sure your plans isn’t far-fetched and that you allow a reasonable amount of time to get there.

9.    Your goals must include contribution.: 
There is a well known Bible phrase that says: “Whatever a man sows, that he will reap.”(Galatians 6:7). This is a fundamental truth. If you hand out good things and you consistently sow well, your rewards are guaranteed. Contribution can take many forms. You can give your time, your expertise, and you can give financially. So make it a part of your ongoing goals program. And do it unconditionally. Don’t expect a payback immediately. That will come in due course, often in the most unexpected ways.

10.  Your goals need to be supported: 
Selectively share your dreams with a few people you trust. These are carefully chosen proactive individuals who will support and encourage you when the going get tough. And if you have big plans you will need their help, because you are bound to run into a few roadblocks along the way.

Source From : The Power Of Focus

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