Staying within these boundaries requires a new level of self discipline. That means being more conscious every day of the activities you choose to spend your time on. To avoid drifting away from your focus, ask yourself at every intervals, “Is what I am doing right now helping me to achieve my goals?” This takes practice. It also means saying “NO” a lot more. There are three main areas to examine;

1.     Yourself:
The biggest battle going on every day is between your own ears. We talk ourselves in and out of situations constantly. When that little negative voice in the back of your head demands attention and tries to get to the forefront of your thinking, take a time-out. Give yourself a quick mental pep talk. Focus on the benefits and rewards of sticking to your priorities, and remind yourself of the negative consequences if you don’t.

2.     Other People: A variety of other people may attempt to destroy your focus. Sometimes they wander into your office for a chat because you have and open door policy. Change your policy. Close your door for at least part of the day when you want to be left alone so you can concentrate on your next big project. A top California business consultant and best – selling author Danny Cox uses this vivid analogy when it comes to focusing on priorities. He says, if you gotta frog to swaller, don’t look at it too long. If you have got more than one to swaller, swaller the biggest one first! In other words, tackle your most important priorities immediately. Don’t be like most people, who have six things on their daily To-Do list and start doing the easiest, low priority task first. At the end of the day, the number one priority is still sitting there untouched.

3.     The Telephone: Perhaps the most insidious intrusion of all is the telephone. Isn’t it amazing how people allow this little piece of hardware to control their day? If you require two hours of uninterrupted time, unplug the phone. Turn off any other device that may distract you. Use them wisely. Then choose the most productive time to make your phone calls. If you want to enjoy bigger results and success, there are times when you need to be secluded from the outside world. Give up the habit of automatically reaching for the phone every time it rings. Say “NO”. And take charge at home.

Source From: The Power Of Focus

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