David was a very rich king, yet he made it clear what he thought was the most important treasure in his life – the word of God. To him, God’s word was worth more than thousands of gold and silver (Psalm 119:72)

This should be your attitude as a child of God. God’s word should be the thing you treasure and prize the most in life. When you have God’s word; you have everything, for every good thing in life was made by God through the word. Thus, no one can truly be successful, prosperous and have a good life without the word.

That is why I tell people that everything they will ever need in their lives is wrapped up in the word! So they must go for the word. If you are rich in all the world’s goods and currencies but not rich in the word of God, you really don’t have anything.

The spirit of God, through Apostle Paul said, let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. (Colosians 3:16)

If you must be rich in anything, let it be the word of God! Go for the word! Seek it as a man seeks  a treasure, for it is indeed the greatest treasure in the whole world. Your health progress, success, prosperity and greatness in life depend on it.

When you make God’s words the number one treasure in your life, the good things of life that other men chase after will of necessity come to you. Hear the word word’s of Solomon, Davids’s son—the richest man who ever lived until Jesus; “How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver”. (Proverb 16:16)

My message to you today is this; make the Word of God your greatest treasure; give it the attention  and reverence it deserves by observing to do what it says. Treasure God’s Word more than your necessary food and all the riches of this world.

Author:  Rev. Chris Oyakilome
Senior Pastor; Christ Embassy Church Ministry

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