Have you ever been in the situation, where you study, and study something, and seem to fail to see what's right before your eyes? It might be when you are looking for something, you know (or are certain) you put something down in a specific place, but can't seem to locate it. You then ask your spouse, friend, etc, to help you search, and that individual spots it right away! What does this mean to those in positions of leadership? It might mean you fail to identify the crux of a challenge, or precisely what obstacle to overcome, or what the desirable goals, priorities and concerns may be! Although solutions might vary, doesn't it make sense, a leader might need to take a FRESH look?
1. Face facts; figure things out; frame of mind and reference: Solving challenges must begin with taking a clearer look, and realistically facing facts, in a clear - cut manner. What will you do, in order to enable you to figure things out, and be a solution - solver? When focusing and looking towards a particular solution, will you be willing to address your frame of mind, in a positive way? What is your frame of reference?
2. Renew; reconsider; relevant: Avoid beating the proverbial, dead horse! How will you renew your spirits, so you might be more productive? Are you set in your ways, but will you have the strength, and willingness, to reconsider? Consider your course, in terms which enhance relevance, and are most productive and effective!
3. Empathy; energy; excellence: True leaders need the degree of empathy, which makes the most significant difference/ impact! Will you proceed with the energy, which will make you most effective? Will you strive for the highest degree of excellence, and persistence?
4. Strength; sustainable system: How will you make both yourself, and the organization and stakeholders you serve, stronger and better? What are you willing to do, to maximize your individual strength? No leader ever makes a true difference, until and unless, he creates, develops and implements a quality, strengthening, relevant, sustainable system!
5. Head/ heart: When you either become overly emotional, or too cold and calculated, you generally will lose your way! A true leader must be able to be objectively introspective, and identify when he might be doing so! The best approach is nearly always maintaining a head/ heart balance, so you maintain the emotional fervor you need (and which motivates others), while maintaining a clear mind, and perspective.
If you want to be a great leader, you must be willing to take a FRESH look periodically! Today, more than ever, we need open - minded leadership!
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:http://facebook.com/Plan2lead
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