1.     Constantly Remind Yourself Of The Things You Did Well;
Avoid dwelling on what you didn’t finish or things that didn’t work, instead focus on what you did accomplish. Give yourself mental prep talk at the beginning and end of the day. Prepare yourself, just like you would help someone else to overcome a challenge.

2.     Study Inspiring Biographies And Autobiographies;
Always read books, articles and magazines. Create a file of those stories that inspires you most. Find out about people who started with nothing or who had devastating setbacks and they still find a way to win. Your Capacity far exceeds your current level of performance. Life without challenges is an illusion. Acknowledge the fact that you will have ups and downs, just everyone else. Your confidence grows when you actively take on the challenges of life. You won’t win them all, but with the right mind-set you will win more than enough.

3.     Always Be Thankfull;
No matter how bad your circumstances maybe, there is someone worse off than you. Think of all the things you take for granted that are not available in other countries. Most of your problems will soften in comparison when you take a mental snapshot of all the benefits you enjoy every day.

4.     Consistently Push Yourself To Accomplish Short-term Goals; Create an environment of accomplishment every week. Do something every day that moves you closer to finishing a major project. Never allow yourself to be distracted or interrupted. Take one small step at a time and you will eliminate the feelings of guilt and failure. Self rejection shatters confidence, so don’t beat yourself up when everything doesn’t work out as planned. Set a realistic goals. Be flexible. When people reject you, don’t take it personally. Admit the fact that you will need to lose sometimes before you can win.

The Road  To Confidence Is Paved With weekly Victories.

Learn To Applaud Them.

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