Building to Pattern—Growth stages of a child.

Every child has the ability to stand out and excel in whatever they set their heart on, right from infancy till adulthood. No child is naturally wired for failure from the start and the failure of the child is, quite likely, the failure of the parent-teacher. Therefore, parents and guardians must ensure they communicate effectively through appropriate means to ensure that their children learn necessary lessons to enable them successfully tackle the various challenges of life as they mature and grow up.

The Bible says in Isiah 54:13- “And all your children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be their peace”. It suffices to say that our children will give us peace if we ensure that they are brought up in line with the principles of God’s word, and we help them develop a personal relationship with God such that it becomes very easy for the Lord Himself to personally teach them.

Our twenty first century word systems demand a lot from parents, which leaves little room for communicative monitoring. Most parents are too busy all day, and subsequently too tired to notice certain budding developmental traits in their children. Unfortunately, these missed but critical traits mostly define how the children turn out in life.

The purpose of this piece is to explain the developmental balance in children, from a stage of total dependency (0-9 years), to a stage of gradual independence (10-18 years), and finally to total independence (18 years and above).


1.    Stage 1 – Total Dependency (0-9 years)
The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 3:10 According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But let each one take heed how he builds on it.

This is the first stage of a child’s life, during which he is most strongly influenced and impacted by his parents. Teachers and pastors can only build on the foundation laid by the parents. Your child is impacted by everything about you, the parents – from your background to your views on parenting. This is even more so, especially in this part of the world where parents have a sentimental or emotional responds to everything a child does. For instance, a child insists on having a certain toy, but his mother says no, because she has already bought about ten different sets of the same toy for him.

However, minutes later, the child is playing with the same toy Mother just denied him. How come? The child simply barraged Mother with tantrums, stressed her out emotionally, so much so that she eventually caved in and handed the child the toy – the same toy he was not supposed to have. What Mother just communicated to child is; You are in control”. The little child then grows up with the foundational mindset that he can get his mother to do anything he wants. All he has to do is throw a tantrum. This is what we call dependent confidence, which describes the scenario where a child believes he can manipulate his parents into doing anything he wants.

Parents cannot afford to be mislead by their kid’s saintly faces. Always recognize that your children have goals, and they have a single minded commitment to their achievement. Your response to their activities will determine the bedrock of other development strides in their lives.

2.    Gradual Independency (10 – 18 years)

While the first stage as describe above lays the foundation, this is the stage where some structural defaults have to be corrected. By this stage, all the traits your child picked up while growing are fully formed. You begin to notice things you never noticed before, and truly, it can be hard to come to terms with these traits. If the major foundational work is properly done, you would be more relaxed as you only be required to do light paint touch ups during this period. But if otherwise, then you have to come to terms with the need to do heavy remedial work, which will require the following:

A)  A careful assessment of the observed defects -  Parents will be required to switch mode and spend more time with their kids, relating with them in love whilst praying and sharing the word of God regularly with them. These are tools for foundational rebranding;

B)  A model solution to work with – Based on the revelations or insight you garner during assessment, you will need to carefully map out the right course to ensure that the rebranding is permanent; employ mentors, to properly role model your child into a better branch.

C)  Follow up – This is required to ensure the new brand is effective.

3.    Stage 3 – Total Independency (18 years and above)
At this stage, when the foundation is fully laid and with the structure of the house in place, all that is required is continuous upgrades to ensure the features of this beautiful home meet the standards of desired results.

Your work as a parent/guardian is relatively limited to prayer and godly advice. Remember that a family that prays together stays together. However, most of the continuous building from this stage is left to pastors/teachers/evangelist et cetera, in the church. In this regard, it is a great privilege to have kingdom class mentors take charge of making sure our grown up children finish strong.

Finally, 2 Corinthians 9; 8 says, And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.

All said and done, parents need to take out time to pray enerstly for the grace or strength to fulfill their parenting obligations with ease.

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