Every normal person carries within a dream, a wish and an expectation. We all have hopes and expectations concerning our families, finances, careers and businesses. We want to succeed with all.We don't want to fail, we want to do well; we want things to turn out well. We want our children to turn out well, our marriages to work out, our finances to grow steadily and our lives to experience peace, joy and fulfilment.

As sensible as these expectations are, wishing and hoping aren't sufficient attributes for manifestation. You don't succeed because you wish for it. You don't succeed because you talk about it, you don't even succeed because you've planned for it; you only succeed when you act and work hard at it.Many serious minded people every day get motivated by different people and factors to make plans and even draw up strategies for success.
Many speakers and teachers at seminars, conferences and books, tapes, write ups keep emphasizing the need to have a written out plan with goals and time lines for accomplishment.
Many individuals attempt to carry this out and on paper it looks pretty good, exciting and realistic. In fact at that point, some see how relatively easy it can be for them to be successful and they get so excited about it. Instantly they feel inspired, motivated, elated and confident. They begin to think and talk different about themselves and what they hope to accomplish, predicated on this newly found answers to a successful future.
They look around and see the opportunities, means, access, ability and time for accomplishment. All their limitations and restrictions tend to vanish instantly on the account of the discoveries and they become very happy.

Then hours turn into days, days into weeks, weeks into months and months into years and nothing has been done, nothing activated, nothing accomplished.
The dream, the plan, the goals become very distant and vague as though it was a figment of their imagination. They have reverted slowly but steadily to that state of mind and condition void of possibilities and opportunities.

And the excitement of the possibilities they once saw, and the plans they passionately developed become a thing of the past and they slip back into that life of endurance, pressure and hopelessness as it were. They're back to where they started.
Although they have an awareness of the consequence of failure, these guys just appear clueless and helpless about their situation as it continues to degenerate. Hence they keep returning to books and speakers and tapes and events to motivate them again. Yet they do nothing with it.
Suddenly with time, it becomes tough to pay bills; school fees, the house rent, tough to maintain or replace a car, tough to sustain the family and answer to responsibilities. It becomes really tough. Worse still there appears no possible ways out of this. The possibilities they once saw, the plans they had have been devoured by a terrible habit called procrastination.
I want you to pause for a moment and just think of your typical working day. What exactly do you do from morning to evening? As soon as you're awake, what do you do per hour until it's time to go to bed again? Think about it.
For a lot of people they just take their day as it comes, they have no plans for each day. They just have a regular routine of activities and they abide by it. For example, they wake up in the morning, get ready for work, go to the office, carry out tasks and responsibilities as handed to them, go for break and when its closing time leave the office. Maybe hang out with the guys for a few hours after work and for the ladies branch at the mart to buy one or two items along the way before going home, some go for weekday religious activities and many especially in busy cities spend much time in traffic till they eventually get home. They eat dinner, gist generally at home, watch TV, prepare for the next day and then go to bed. Tomorrow is another day.

Consistently they run by this routine for days and weeks and months and years without a deliberate or conscious involvement in how their tomorrow should pan out.
They have dreams and wishes but do absolutely nothing about it other than hope that one day, miraculously, the dreams will come true.
Many people today hope to build a house of their own in a very good neighbourhood, buy brand new exotic cars, sponsor their kids through the best schools, go on trips and vacations, retire rich and early and generally have a good life.
Sadly their life of routine today holds no promise what so ever for the kind of future they hope for. Of course they are aware of this fact and know there's a need to activate some things today to bring the dreams to reality. They just won't; most are full of excuses and some just put the entire responsibility on God.

Immediately the thought of doing something worthwhile today to improve the quality of their lives enters their mind, the next line of thought is excuses and why it can be done later.
Consequently when frustrated or in trouble, they blame their background, blame their qualifications, blame their companies, blame the management, blame their bosses; blame their marriages and their spouses and even their children. They blame the government; blame it on lack of power supply, good roads, security, traffic, enabling environment and even on God neglecting them.
They rarely activate what they should do to make it work. They settle in and are comfortable with status quo; they avoid any discomfort in their life, or alteration in the routine they have become accustomed to.
They keep managing their sense of guilt by looking for whom or what to blame.
My dear friend, you know you need to write those exams, write them now! You know you need the MBA, apply now!, you know you need that additional skill, learn it now, read those books today, write the proposal today, write the application today, make that phone call today, make the investment today, start the savings now, buy the land now. Pay for your own training; don't always wait for the organisation to train you. The tomorrow you talked about yesterday is already here. Stop the procrastination.
Draw up a daily to-do list and fill each hour with useful and productive programs, for your life, time is valuable do not waste it. Ensure you're adding value to yourself to someone else or to a course at every point in time. Even while you're at play, gain something. Do something every day to move towards your goal.

Becoming successful is not a piece of cake, it's not limited to hope, wish, intelligence, strong desire, prayers, quotable quotes, and motivational speaking, it involves real hard consistent work. Talk is cheap. You must work hard to apprehend your dreams and expectations. Kill procrastination now, do it today. Nothing can really stop you without your permission. Remember if you forego your opportunity, someone else is waiting to use it. It's a competitive world. Do it today.

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