Five thousands hungry men besides women and children. Twelve assistants and their leader. An almost empty purse. A dire need. Imagine that you had been at a meeting with this so called messiah. It is one thing to hear about other people’s challenges and feel sympathy or even empathy for them. It is something else entirely to be in the challenge yourself. Now, these men stood with the Lord, far away from the city, with little or no provision. Indeed, after the disciples went around, all they could return with were five loaves and two fishes. How do you really feed five thousand hungry men with five loaves? If the five loaves were the provision for one boy, it is okay to assume that they would not even satisfy one man.

Jesus stood in the middle of this circumstance and watched His disciples. He needed to teach them something deep and personal. He needed to show them a secret of the kingdom. You see, many thoughts would have run through the minds of the disciples. They had seen him heal the sick and open blind eyes. Indeed, they were in the situation there were in because Jesus could not leave the people to themselves and he had spent all day healing them. Now they were healed, but they were hungry.

“And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick. When it was evening, His disciples came to Him, saying, ‘This is a deserted place, and the hour is already late. Send the multitudes away, that they may go into the villages and buy themselves food.’ But Jesus said to them, “They do not need to go away. You give  them something to eat.” And they said to Him, “we have here only five loaves and two fish.” Mathew 14: 14-17

There something not quite right with the theology that proposes that God can heal you but He will not provide for you. Some people have been led to believe that it is God’s job to heal their body while it is their job to provide for themselves. Again, it is foolhardy to think that all the results you need in your life are dependent on God. You cannot fold your arms and wait to see what God will do. You always have a role to play. I want you to know that the God that brought you out of Egypt can put gold in your pocket. The God that healed your body can provide for your table.
There are two things man cannot provide for himself: health and wealth. The Apostle John’s prayer for his people was that they prospered and stayed in health (3John 2). He knew that these two things were critical to living a fulfilled life and only God can release them.

Looking at the people, Jesus told the disciples, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” This was ridiculous. How could the disciples feed people they did not plan for? No feeding committee had been set up. No one had pre-ordered meals from the city and there was no way the huge feeding needs could have been met at such a short notice. We learn here that even when we have no plans for the emergencies of life, God has a plan for all our emergencies. Nothing takes Him by surprise. Nothing shocks Him.

Jesus instructed the people to sit down. They were about to experience an unprecedented miracle, but they had to follow instructions. As you step out in faith to receive the miracles God has for you this month, listen for God’s instruction. What has he instructed you through your pastor? What has he told you in your heart? What are you struggling with? That instruction is crucial to the manifestation of the miracles you are expecting. As they sat down, they saw Jesus do the most incredible thing. No, He did not recite an incantation or jump up and swirl around theatrically. He simply gave thanks. Glory!

Jesus took what was not enough, lifted it before God and gave thanks. The most incredible challenges in your life will respond to the most simplistic keys of the kingdom. If only we would learn to give thanks! If only we would replace our complaining and murmuring with thanksgiving! If you have complained all your life, it is time to switch to thanksgiving. Begin to thank God and see the difference. Begin to appreciate God and see how much change you will experience. Sometimes, we are tempted to think it is the difficult things that bring great result. Some people are willing to fast for forty days and pray twelve hours every day. As wonderful as those may sound, the answer to your challenges may be in the simple, underrated principle of thanksgiving.

After the multitude was fed, there were twelve baskets of bread left. God must have been asking them, “Are there any more people? I want to feed them!” the five thousand men, beside women and children, couldn’t exhaust the five loaves that were broken with thanksgiving. God could have gone ahead to feed a million people with the twelve baskets left!

The challenge you are dealing with may not be as powerful as it seems. Engage the force of thanks giving. Oh, that men would stop grumbling and complaining. Oh, that men would give thanks! There is a miracle waiting for you on the other side of thanksgiving. Go for it.

You will do well.

Rev. Biodun Fatoyinbo
Snr Pastor of: Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (COZA)


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